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What you need to know about Summer School
Hailey Sebahar

We would like to welcome you to Summer School.  There are a few important things to know:

  • Summer School starts on Monday, June 26th and ends Thursday, July 20th, with no school on July 4th.
  • Summer School is from 8:00 - 12:30, Monday - Thursday, at Carson Valley Middle School in B and C Halls.  The Summer School office is room C-40.
  • The Summer School number is 775-392-2110, extension 2348.
  • If you are driving your student please drop them off in the front and have them walk around to the north side of the building and walk in between the library and gym to the B Hall or C Hall. 
  • If you are a student who is driving to Summer School, please park on the north side of the playhouse gym and walk around to the north side of the building and walk in between the library and gym to the B Hall or C Hall. 
  • Transportation routes will be available on the District Office website this weekend at Click on Transportation and Bus Route Information at the left. 
  • Students can look on their Infinite Campus portal to view their class and room.
  • Students need to bring their chromebooks fully charged and ready to go each day along with their charger. We would like students to also bring headphones.
  • Tutoring will be available from 12:30-2:30pm starting on Tuesday, June 27th.  Transportation is not provided for after school tutoring.
  • Attached is the Student and Parent Handbook for you and your student to read.  It has important information about Summer School and the attendance policy as well as other important information.  Please read the handbook and sign the acknowledgement & Code of Conduct page on the back that will come home with your student on the first day.

CVMS Handbook

Summer School Information

Class starts promptly at 8:00AM so students should be there before 8:00AM.  We look forward to seeing you on Monday, June 26th.